(eusiong-seanny) ---->Are teens in need of etiquette lessons in school?


WHY????Tell me why!

What happen to youngsters nowadays? 13-14 years old smoking, video taking their classmates being beaten up,and just laugh along! What is this?! In public, you can hear foul languages coming from teenagers and also showing disgraceful behaviour. Well,this is part of my topic today. Are teens in need of etiquette lessons in school?

Definitely YES! But the problem is,will teenagers bother to listen? What should be done so that teenagers show RESPECT & RESPONSIBLILITY in everything they do? Firstly, teenagers can't learn these disgraceful behaviours by their own.I am sure someone have taught them! Perhaps,some parents did not discipline their child well or they uses vulgar languages too often resulting in the child learning from them.Anyway,NO offense to Parents!

Also, parents should have more interaction/discipline with their child,telling them more about etiquette behaviours! Maybe some teenagers are influenced by their bad peers! To prevent this,parents should take note of the friends that thier child makes.Well, nowadays in secondary school,there is a new lesson called "Character Education". It teaches students on RESPECT,RESPONSIBILITY and other moral values. To make the students listen in class, marks/grades is counted for this lesson!. Teachers should try to make the lessons interesting by showing pictures,videos(of disgraceful behaviour).Although this can't solve the problem of teenagers being disrespectful, it helps to reduce the percentage.

I sincerely hope that with this measures carried out,teenagers(including me) can have better social behaviour.----> allowing seats to elders on trains and buses, reduce usage of foul languages in public, no fighting,help others who are in need, no littering! =)

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